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CalABA is very pleased to announce that Assemblymember Chris Holden of the 41st District has just introduced AB 1715, which will create licensure for behavior analysts based on BACB certification.
As you are aware, adoption of SB 946 substantially increased the already high demand for ABA services and, as a result, precipitated the need to adopt uniform, objective, verifiable standards and procedures for protecting consumers from risk of harm caused by individuals who make unsubstantiated claims that they are qualified to practice ABA. At present there are no such laws clearly requiring that individuals document and demonstrate training and competence in ABA in order to practice in this state, and no entity within California that has legal authority to directly regulate the practice of ABA. These were some of the contingencies that led CalABA to sponsor legislation that would license professional practitioners of behavior analysis in California.
Benefits of licensure to professionals and consumers would include:
The current version of the bill has been vetted through the appropriate legislative committees and has received overwhelming support to date from members of the legislature. Additionally, the Board of Psychology continues to work collaboratively with CalABA on the bill language and implementation strategies.
In order to continue to educate our membership on the intricacies of the behavior analyst licensure bill and its impact on your practice, we will be presenting a panel discussion and informal Q/A sessions on licensure at the 2016 CalABA conference.
This will be followed by a series of Town Hall meetings across the state dedicated to answering any outstanding questions from our members. Our goal is that these events will ensure that our membership is provided accurate and up to date information.
The CalABA Board of Directors and Public Policy Committee very much appreciates the enthusiastic response we have received from so many of you voicing your support for CalABA and licensure of behavior analysts in California. We thank you and want to work together to protect our right to practice and ensure that those who receive ABA services do so from qualified professionals.
We will be alerting CalABA members, supporters, and allies over the next several weeks as to how we can work together to support this important recognition of our practice. We look forward to the hard work ahead and know that together we can accomplish important goals. Our goal is achievable if we can continue to work together.
Please reach out directly to [email protected] with any questions, concerns or feedback. Thank you for your continued support and see you in Santa Clara!