CalABA SIGs serve to support our members who share a common interest or specialty in a specific area of behavior analysis or related policy.
GroupsSpecial Interest Groups (SIGs) are created and maintained by CalABA members with a common interest or specialty in a specific area of behavior analysis or related policy. The purpose of each SIG is to network and exchange information through meetings, publications, or other organized activities.
Any group of 10 or more active CalABA members can form a SIG if, (a) the SIGs mission and activities are consistent with CalABA’s mission to advance, promote, and protect the science and practice of behavior analysis and, (b) the subject area of the SIG is not within the scope of any existing SIG.
An application, containing the following, should be submitted in writing to CalABA’s Executive Director for review and vote by the Board of Directors.
It is recommended that all new SIGs establish and adhere to bylaws that establish procedures for elections, meetings, membership and other essential SIG operations.
SIG membership is open to all CalABA members. Non-members of CalABA are, under no circumstances, permitted to be members of SIGs. Any CalABA member whose membership is terminated (e.g., membership not renewed) will be removed from SIG membership. A member of the CalABA Board of Directors may be assigned as a liaison between the Board and the SIG.
SIGs enjoy a great deal of latitude in planning their activities and determining the types of activities they will conduct if they are compatible with CalABA’s mission and vision, but all CalABA SIGs are expected to do the following:
Meet at least annually to conduct SIG business. CalABA provides space for this meeting at the western Regional Conferencegiven 90 days advance notice in writing and will include notice of the SIGs business meeting in the convention program. At this meeting, the chair of each SIG should present the annual activities report for the year just ended, present plans for the upcoming year, and conduct any other SIG business that might be necessary.
The California Association for Behavior Analysis (CalABA) name and logo is a valuable brand asset and a form of intellectual property. Permission is required for use of any form of the CalABA name and/or logo.
In general, the name and logo should only be used on materials created or sanctioned by CalABA. Use of the logo by SIGson materials for their individual use is not permitted without prior approval. Please note that the following uses will not be permitted:
In any case, for all proposed uses of the CalABA name or logo, permission must be sought in advance. Please email the Executive Director and provide a sample of your document and indicate where on the sample document you would like the logo to appear. Please also provide details on the full document or website and its publication: name, context and purpose, planned publication and distribution date(s) and intended audience.
Recommendations for dissolution can come from the SIG’s leadership or membership, with the final decision to dissolve a SIG made by the CalABABoard of Directors. Dissolution may be considered for several reasons, including, but not limited to SIG inactivity for one or more years, inability to fill leadership positions, the SIG is unable to retain members, or at the request of the CalABA Board of Directors. Notification of dissolution should be made in writing to the CalABA Executive Director and to all SIG members.
Mission Statement/General Interest: The Adult Service Providers SIG will (ASPSIG) provide a professional platform for Behavior Analysts working with
adults, or have an interest in adult services, to share resources, cultivate continued professional development, and create an expansive support network.
Further, the ASPSIG will contribute to the field of Behavior Analysis by developing, enhancing, and supporting access to resources for Behavior
Analysts in a position to make socially significant improvements in environments where adult services are provided.
Focus audience: Behavior Analysts providing, or are interested in providing, behavior analytic support to adult consumers/clients across all
environments. Includes, but not limited to, the various stakeholders supporting the application of behavior analysis in service adult consumers/clients.
If you have any questions please contact: [email protected]
BABAC is an inclusive collective of Applied Behavior Analysis professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area. BABAC empowers our community through education and grassroots connection with an emphasis on ethics, compassion, and equity. Our focus includes mentorship of ABA professionals, dissemination of information, providing a network and infrastructure to connect members, and community building for the Bay Area and its surrounding areas.
Stay connected with us:
Interested in joining? Complete the BABAC Membership Survey: Membership Survey
For inquiries, please contact us at: [email protected]
The Business in Behavior Analysis (BIBA) Special Interest Group is focused on promoting the highest standards of professional and business practice within ABA business organizations, working collaboratively to achieve professional goals that are unattainable individually. The focus includes public policy and legislation surrounding behavioral health treatment; collaboration with California funding sources, legal and ethical employment practices, organizational behavior change, and other topics related to operating an ethical and high-quality ABA business. BIBA provides opportunities to meet and network with professionals within our science, creating connections and collaboration. Networking amongst ABA organizations allows our members to become resources for one another and build out professional communities. To create, nurture, and maintain an inclusive and diverse culture, where differences drive innovative solutions to meet the needs of our membership. BIBA is committed to intentionally create diverse environments where all members feel supported and valued.
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Mission Statement/General Interest: The Behavior Analysts in Education SIG will provide a professional platform for Behavior Analysts working in the educational setting to share resources, cultivate continued professional development, and create an expansive support network. Further, the Behavior Analysts in Education SIG will contribute to the field of Behavior Analysis by developing, enhancing, and supporting access to resources for Behavior Analysts in a position to make socially significant improvements in educational environments.
Focus audience: Behavior Analysts providing behavior analytic support within school districts, county educational programs, and the public sector. Includes but is not limited to the various stakeholders supporting the application of behavior analysis in a school environment.
So you’re interested in joining the Behavior Analysts in Education (BAE) Special Interest Group of CalABA? Here’s how to join!
First and foremost, you must be a current member of CalABA.
Complete this membership survey:
Incomplete surveys will be returned for completion.
Your CalABA membership will be cross-checked before your membership to BAE can be approved.
You will receive a follow-up email to confirm your request.
Questions? Email: [email protected]
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