The Behavior Analyst Certification Board® is the professional certification group for behavior analysts. Certification is at two levels: Board Certified Behavior Analyst® (BCBA®) and Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst® (BCaBA®).
Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) must possess the minimum of a Masters degree, meet requirements for either graduate-level coursework (225 hours) or college-level teaching and research in behavior analysis, meet experience requirements, and pass the Behavior Analyst Certification Examination.
Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts (BCaBA) must have at least a Bachelors degree, meet requirements for coursework in behavior analysis (135 hours), meet experience requirements, and pass the Assistant Behavior Analyst Certification Examination.
While certification does not guarantee competence, it identifies the minimal standards which should be met by practitioners who describe themselves as "behavior analysts" or state that they provide "behavioral intervention", "behavior modification", "functional analyses" or other types of intervention based on the principles of behavior analysis.
The BCBA certification is an increasingly recognized credential. This certification is recognized by the State of California, Department of Developmental Disabilities with regards to practitioners who provide behavioral services. In addition, an increasing number of regional centers and school administrators are stipulating that those who provide behavioral intervention to their consumers and students must hold this certification.
Both BCBAs and BCaBAs must complete continuing education units (CEUs) in order to maintain their certification by staying informed of recent developments in behavioral research and practice. CEUs for these certifications are available at the CalABA Conference.
BACB-approved University Course Sequences in California and the Western Region
Note: For a complete current list of BACB-approved programs, please see the Approved University Training page on the BACB website.
BACB examinations are administered nationally and in conjunction with Association for Behavior Analysis International's Annual Convention. See the BACB website for details about certification standards, applications, examination contents and schedules.